Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Redneck deviled eggs

While making deviled eggs for the Fourth of July potluck picnic/party that we went to, Jack and I went the redneck route — removing the shells with duct tape (thanks YouTube).

(I like how only one of Jack's eyes is visable in this shot.)

These pictures aren't the best quality, but any time he smiles for the camera and is OK with having his picture taken — I relish it.

Put two strips of duct tape on the hard-boiled egg, crack the shell, massage it with your fingers and...

It really worked!

These next three pictures make me smile because as I was busy adding ingredients, Jack picked up the camera and took these on his own. I forgot all about them until they were downloaded.

First mustard, now vinegar...

Mash it all together...

And voila!

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