Thursday, July 7, 2011

Land of the free

For the evening of July 4th, we went over to a family's from church — just like last year. They have five acres out in the country, and plenty of room to roam.

Landon, riding tall in the saddle.

A six-week-old miniature pot-bellied pig.

Drying off, after playing in one of the kiddie pools.

You know it's a good party when someone loses their underwear.

The consummate hosts, Skip & Karen making a few announcements before dinner.

After eating, it was finally time for fireworks! Earlier that afternoon at the fireworks stand, Jack wanted to buy "tanks, snakes and more tanks."

Boys trying to light stuff on fire.

Jack was covered in sweat and soot ... and was in heaven.

Landon ready to watch fireworks (or taking cover).

Bombs bursting in air.

Happy Fourth of July!

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